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Terms of processing personal data of the business company

Atlas Advertising Group s.r.o.

(hereinafter referred to as "Information Conditions")

These Information Conditions regulate the processing of personal data by the business company Atlas Advertising Group  s.r.o., with registered office at Na Louce 1, Králův Dvůr, Postal Code 267 01, ID No.: 25128931, within the scope of its business. In connection with the performance of its business activities, Atlas Advertising Group  s.r.o. collects and processes, among other things, personal data about its clients. In these Terms and Conditions, the following terms have the following meanings:

"Manager" means Atlas Advertising Group  s.r.o., 25128931,

"GDPR" means Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the advertising of advertising services in the Czech Republic. April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter referred to as "Regulation" or "GDPR"),

"Contract" means any contract, binding order or agreement between Atlas Advertising Group  s.s.r.o. and the Client, pursuant to which Atlas Advertising Group s.r.o. provides services or goods to the Client which involve the processing of personal data by Atlas Advertising Group s.r.o.,

"Client" means the client of the services or goods from Atlas Advertising Group s.r.o.,  who has entered into the Contract with Atlas Advertising Group s.r.o.

Introductory Provisions

The Client is provided with the services which are the subject of the Contract by the Client. These Terms and Conditions of Information are binding on all Contracts which include the Client's personal data. By entering into the Contract, the Client declares that it has read and fully understood these Information Terms and that it consents to the processing of its personal data in accordance with these Information Terms. For the avoidance of doubt, it is stated that in the event that a separate contract for the processing of personal data is concluded between the Client and the Administrator, such contract shall prevail over these Information Terms.

Scope of the processing of the Client's personal data

The Administrator processes  in particular, the following data concerning the Client :

  1. contact data ( delivery or other contact address, permanent or temporary residence addresses,  telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, in the case of a natural person entrepreneur also place of business, tax identification number and ID number, data box ID  ),

  2. identifying data ( name, surname, title, company, date of birth, details of identity documents, ID card number, nationality )

  3. bank account details,

  4. IP address,

  5. data arising from the term of the Agreement,

  6. ( hereinafter referred to as "Personal Data").

  7. The Administrator processes Personal Data to the extent necessary for the purposes of performance of the Agreement.

  8. Personal Data is processed primarily by employees and external personnel of the Administrator and, to the extent necessary, by third parties.

  9. Personal Data will be processed by machine, through computers and computer programs and/or in written form.

Purpose of processing personal data

The Administrator processes personal data for the purpose of providing services under the Contract to the Client.


Responsibilities for processing personal data

The Controller shall ensure the protection of personal data by appropriate technical and organisational means, taking into account the state of the art, the cost of implementation, the nature, scope and purposes of the processing and the likely risks to the rights and freedoms of the data subject.

The Client acknowledges and agrees that the Controller may involve another processor in the processing.

The Controller shall, upon express request, provide the Client with all information and documents necessary to demonstrate compliance with its obligations set out in these Terms and Conditions and the GDPR and shall allow the Client to exercise control.

Sources of Personal Data

The Controller shall process data provided to it in connection with the provision of its services, data from available registers lists or records, from publicly available and accessible information ( such as the Internet ) and from other entities, if so provided for by a specific regulation.

Transmission of Personal Data to third parties

Personal Data may be transmitted by the Controller to third parties if this is necessary in the performance of the Contract.

If third parties use the data in the framework of their legitimate interest, in this case the Controller shall not be liable for such processing.

Personal Data processing period

The Controller is entitled to process Personal Data for as long as is necessary in relation to the purpose of its processing, but at least for the duration of the Contract. In the case of a long-term or recurring business relationship, the Controller may process Personal Data until it receives written instructions from the Client to stop processing its Personal Data. Upon termination of the Contract, the Controller is obliged, upon written instruction from the Client, to delete the Personal Data from its database.

Duty of confidentiality

  1. Personal Data processed by the Controller is considered confidential. The Controller is not entitled to disclose confidential information to unauthorised third parties and to use it contrary to its purpose for its own or third parties' undue benefit.

  2. The obligation of confidentiality does not, however, apply to information that is publicly known or has been disclosed otherwise than as a result of a breach of the Controller's obligation. Furthermore, the obligation of confidentiality does not apply to information that has been exempted from confidentiality by the Client or is requested by the police of the Czech Republic, a court, a prosecutor's office or a competent administrative authority.

  3. Categories of Data Subjects

  4. Unless otherwise agreed in the Agreement, the Controller processes Personal Data of the following categories of Personal Data Subjects:

    1. Client

    2. Contractual and business partners of the Client, customers of the Client

    3. employees of the Client.

Rights of personal data subjects under GDPR

  1. The Client has the right to access personal data - the Client has the right to obtain information from the Controller as to whether it is processing his/her personal data and, if so, what the data is and how it is processed.

  2. The Controller shall, upon express request, provide the Client with all information and documents necessary to demonstrate compliance with its obligations set out in these Information Terms and Conditions and in GDPR, and shall enable the exercise of control by the Client.

  3. Client has the right to rectification of personal data - The Client has the right to have the Controller rectify inaccurate personal data concerning him/her without undue delay at his/her request. The Client has the right to complete incomplete personal data at any time. For other subjects, this right is limited with regard to the statutory duty of confidentiality.

  4. The Client also has the right to, inter alia, request a restriction of processing, lodge a complaint or objection to the processing of Personal Data, request data portability, be informed of a breach of security of Personal Data and other rights set out in the GDPR.

  5. The Client also has the right to have the Personal Data erased if the Controller requests this in writing and the Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed.


Concluding Provisions


  1. These Information Terms and Conditions are issued for an indefinite period of time.

  2. The Information Terms  may be amended by issuing new Information Terms.

  3. The current version of the Information Terms is published on the Administrator's website.


Contact details for the Controller

In case of questions, complaints or comments regarding the exercise of the rights of the subjects regarding Personal Data, you can contact the Controller, either by e-mail: foglar@atlas-ag.cz or in writing to the registered office address, which is indicated in the header of these Information Conditions.