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The company Atlas Advertising Group s.r.o. with registered office at Na Louce 1, 267 01 Králův Dvůr, ID No. 25128931, has introduced in accordance with § 8 and subsequently Act No. 171/2023 Coll, Whistleblower Protection Act, an internal notification system through which it is possible to make a notification of a possible violation that has occurred or is about to occur.


The company Atlas Advertising Group s.r.o. in accordance with the Whistleblower Protection Act, narrows the range of persons from whom it receives and investigates notifications

  • persons performing work in a basic employment relationship (HPP, DPP, FTE, agency workers);

  • persons performing voluntary activities;

  • persons performing professional practice or internship 

The notification must contain the name, surname and date of birth, or other data from which the identity of the notifier can be deduced. 

The company Atlas Advertising Group s.r.o. excludes the acceptance of notices from persons who do not perform work or other similar activities for it.


The competent person designated by the company is Ing. Nina Foglarová.

To submit your notification, please use the following options:

  • email foglarova@atlas-ag.cz

  • phone 725 755 747

  • listing form - Atlas Advertising Group s.r.o., Na Louce 1, 267 01 Králův Dvůr to hands of Ing. Nina Foglarová, "Confidential"

The person in charge shall maintain confidentiality of the facts of which he/she has become aware in the course of his/her activities, unless the Whistleblower Protection Act provides otherwise.

As a whistleblower, you may further submit the notification orally or in writing to the Ministry of Justice. You may use the website https://oznamovatel.justice.cz/chci-podat-oznameni/

to submit a written notification to the Ministry of Justice.